Quote of the day:

Air Conditioned Bike!!

Yes, a motorcycle air conditioner. As you can see in the picture, though, it's not as dumb as it sounds. In fact, it's pretty clever.

Add: http://tamillyricsonline.co.cc

Guarantee Vs. Warranty

A Guarantee comes mostly from a manufacturer, who promises for refund or replacement for a product or service. It has a legal status, even if we have purchased free of cost. But, a guarantee is valid only for a fixed period of time.
A Warranty comes mostly from a marketer or importer, who promises for repairing of any damages or malfunctioning of the product or service. It has a legal status only for products purchased for some cost. It is most likely to an insurance policy. In case of misleading from the promises, the company can be taken to the court. Warranty can play alongside a guarantee.

Weather Vs. Climate

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere that occur over a short period of time. (i.e.) atmospheric condition for few hours or a day or so.

Climate on the other hand, is also an atmospheric condition or behavior for relatively long period of time.


GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is the “branded” term referring to a particular use of TDMA (Time-Division Multiple Access) technology. GSM is the dominant technology used around the globe and is available in more than 100 countries. It is the standard for communication for most of Asia and Europe. GSM operates on four separate frequencies: You’ll find the 900MHz and 1,800MHz bands in Europe and Asia and the 850MHz and 1,900MHz. GSM allows for eight simultaneous calls on the same radio frequency and uses “narrowband” TDMA, the technology that enables digital transmissions between a mobile phone and a base station. With TDMA the frequency band is divided into multiple channels which are then stacked together into a single stream, hence the term narrowband. This technology allows several callers to share the same channel at the same time.

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) takes an entirely different approach from GSM/TDMA. CDMA spreads data out over the channel after the channel is digitized. Multiple calls can then be overlaid on top of one another across the entire channel, with each assigned its own “sequence code” to keep the signal distinct. CDMA offers more efficient use of an analog transmission because it allows greater frequency reuse, as well as increasing battery life, improving the rate of dropped calls, and offering far greater security than GSM/TDMA. For this reason CDMA has strong support from experts who favor widespread development of CDMA networks across the globe. CDMA was actually invented for the military during World War II for field communications.

Data Transfer Speed:

Speed is important to those who use the phone for more than making calls. CDMA has been traditionally faster than GSM, though both technologies continue to rapidly leapfrog along this path. Both boast "3G" standards, or 3rd generation technologies.

EVDO, also known as CDMA2000, is CDMA's answer to the need for speed with a downstream rate of about 2 megabits per second, though some reports suggest real world speeds are closer to 300-700 kilobits per second (kbps). This is comparable to basic DSL. EVDO is in the process of being deployed. It is not available everywhere and requires a phone that is CDMA2000 ready.
GSM's answer is EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution), which boasts data rates of up to 384 kbps with real world speeds reported closer to 70-140 kbps. With added technologies still in the works that include UMTS (Universal Mobile Telephone Standard) and HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access), speeds reportedly increase to about 275—380 kbps. This technology is also known as W-CDMA, but is incompatible with CDMA networks. An EDGE-ready phone is required.

Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards:

In most of the countries only GSM phones use SIM cards. The removable SIM card allows phones to be instantly activated, interchanged, swapped out and upgraded, all without carrier intervention. The SIM itself is tied to the network, rather than the actual phone. Phones that are card-enabled can be used with any GSM carrier.

    The CDMA equivalent, a R-UIM card, is only available in parts of Asia . CDMA carriers require proprietary handsets that are linked to one carrier only and are not card-enabled. To upgrade a CDMA phone, the carrier must deactivate the old phone then activate the new one. The old phone becomes useless

For the most part, both networks have fairly concentrated coverage in major cities and along major highways. GSM carriers, however, have roaming contracts with other GSM carriers, allowing wider coverage of more rural areas, generally speaking, often without roaming charges to the customer.
CDMA networks may not cover rural areas as well as GSM carriers, and though they may contract with GSM cells for roaming in more rural areas, the charge to the customer will generally be significantly higher.

International Roaming:

If you need to make calls to other countries, a GSM carrier can offer international roaming, as GSM networks dominate the world market. If you travel to other countries you can even use your GSM cell phone abroad.

Selling Vs. Marketing

SELLING is an act of influencing a customer buy a product or service. It is a part of marketing. A seller is not advised to know the customers needs or suggestions.

MARKETING is a broad spectrum which involves Selling as its part. Marketing involves several steps as follow.

    * Identifying the customer needs and wants
    * Manufacturing the product with required feature and quality expected
    * Fixing reasonable and competitive cost
    * Promoting the product or service (advertising)
    * Selling
Marketing requires customer satisfaction and they take customers suggestion to improve their product or service.


UNIX, an Operating System developed in olden days in which kernel interacts directly with the hardware. kernel is consider to be heart of this OS. In this Operating system everything is considered as a file, provides greater security. Unix requires a more powerful hardware configuration. It will work in large mainframe computers but will not work in an x86 based personal computer.

LINIX, an Operating system which use Unix as its base and gives further more facilities and applications. Merely speaking, GUI(Graphical User Interface) is made in Linux having Unix as its core. Linux has small hardware requirements and it will work on both a large mainframe computer and an x86 based personal computer. Different organizations used the UNIX kernel and added their own essence to form their own version of Linux.

LINUX is open source.

Solaris OS also using the same Unix kernal and all the unix commands will work on solaris and have 500 more solaris specific commands.


HTTP(Hyper Text Transport Protocol). The website you visit usually have the prefix http:// which means you are visiting a page using the regular 'unsecure' language. (i.e.) in these pages it it possible for others to find what informations you send or submit in a form.

HTTPS where the difference is the S "Secure". This means that you are taken to a page through a secure HTTP which keeps privacy of your informations you submit on this page.
 Websites which requires sensitive informations like the credit card number should be necessarily HTTPS to maintain your secracy. So be aware of this protocol HTTPS when you submit your informations for online banking in bank home pages, paypal etc.,

Precedent vs. Precedence

A precedent is something that is used as an example or justification for later use.  It is often applied in a legal sense:  "The judge's decision set a precedent."  Precedence is something that takes priority over something else:  "People arriving early will receive precedence."

Complement vs. Supplement

Complement means "to complete something or bring it to perfection;"  "His tie complements the suit he's wearing."  Supplement means "to add something to make up for a deficiency:" "She works nights to supplement her income."

How to determine The day of The week, given The month, day and year?

The information below was lifted from the from the following web site: http://www.cs.uu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/sci-math-faq/dayofweek.html

   First a brief explanation: in The Gregorian Calendar, over a period of four hundred years, there are 97 leap years and 303 normal years. Each
 normal year, The day of January 1 advances by one; for Each leap year  it advances by two.
   303 + 97 + 97 = 497 = 7 * 71
   as a result, January 1 year N occurs on The same day of The week as January 1 year N + 400. Because The leap year pattern also recurs with a four hundred year cycle, a simple table of four hundred elements, and single modulus, suffices to determine The day of The week (in The
   Gregorian Calendar), and does it much faster than all The other algorithms proposed. also, Each element takes (in principle) only three bits; The entire table thus takes only 1200 bits; on many computers this will be less than The instructions to do all The complicated calculations proposed or The other algorithms.
   Incidental Note: Because 7 does not Divide 400, January 1 occurs more frequently on some days than others! Trick your friends! in a cycle of 400 years, January 1 and March 1 occur on The following days with The following frequencies:  
           Sun      Mon     Tue     Wed     Thu     Fri     Sat
    Jan 1: 58       56      58      57      57      58      56
    Mar 1: 58       56      58      56      58      57      57

   Of interest is that (contrary to most initial guesses) The occurrence is not maximally flat.
In The Mathematical Gazette, vol. 53,, pp.127-129, it is shown that The 13th of The month is more likely to be a Friday than any other day.The author is a 13 year old S.R.Baxter.
   The Gregorian Calendar was introduced in 1582 in parts of Europe; it was adopted in 1752 in Great Britain and its colonies, and on various dates in other countries. it replaced The Julian Calendar which has a four-year cycle of leap years; after four years January 1 has advanced by five days. Since 5 is relatively prime to 7, a table of 4 * 7 = 28 elements is necessary for The Julian Calendar.
   there is still a 3 day over 10,000 years error which The Gregorian Calendar does not take into account. At some Time such a correction will have to be done but your software will probably not last that long!
   Here is a standard method suitable for mental computation:
    1. take The last two digits of The year.
    2. Divide by 4, discarding any fraction.
    3. Add The day of The month.
    4. Add The month'S key value: JFM AMJ JAS OND 144 025 036 146
    5. Subtract 1 for January or February of a leap year.
    6. For a Gregorian Date, Add 0 for 1900'S, 6 for 2000'S, 4 for 1700'S, 2 for 1800'S; for other years, Add or Subtract multiples of 400.
    7. For a Julian Date, Add 1 for 1700'S, and 1 for every additional century you go back.
    8. Add The last two digits of The year.
    9. Divide by 7 and take The remainder.
   Now 1 is Sunday, The First day of The week, 2 is Monday, and so on.
   The following formula, which is for The Gregorian Calendar only, may be more convenient for computer programming. Note that in some programming languages The remainder operation can yield a negative result if given a negative operand, so mod 7 may not translate to a simple remainder.
   W = (k + floor(2.6m - 0.2) - 2C + Y + floor(Y/4) + floor(C/4)) mod 7
   where floor() denotes The integer floor function [This is TRN() in Logix],
k is day (1 to 31)
 m is month (1 = March, ..., 10 = December, 11 = Jan, 12 = Feb) Treat Jan & Feb as months of The preceding year
   C is century (1987 has C = 19)
   Y is year (1987 has Y = 87 except Y = 86 for Jan & Feb)
   W is week day (0 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Saturday)
   Here The century and 400 year corrections are built into The formula. The floor(2.6m - 0.2) term relates to The repetitive pattern that The 30-day months show when March is taken as The First month.
   The following short C program works for a restricted range, it returns 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday, etc.

   The program appeared was posted by sakamoto@sm.sony.co.jp (Tomohiko sakamoto) on comp.lang.c on March 10th, 1993.
   a good mnemonic rule to help on The computation of The day of The week is as follows. in any given year The following days come on The same day of The week: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12  to remember The next four, remember that I work from 9-5 At a 7-11 so 9/5, 5/9, 7/11, 11/7 and The last day of Feb.
   Even ignoring The pattern over for a period of years this is still useful Since you can generally figure out what day of The week a given Date is  on faster than someone else can look it up with a calender if The calender is not right there. (a useful skill that.)

  • Winning Ways for your Mathematical plays. Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H.  Conway, and Richard k. Guy London ; Toronto : Academic Press, 1982
  • Mathematical Carnival. Martin Gardner. New York : Knopf, c1975.  
  • Elementary Number Theory and its applications. Kenneth Rosen. Reading,  Mass. ; Don Mills, Ont. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1993. p. 156.
  • Michael Keith and Tom Craver. The Ultimate Perpetual Calendar? Journal of Recreational Mathematics, 22:4, pp. 280-282, 19